Feel Better with Mindfulness

Simple techniques to help reduce stress, improve sleep and reduce burnout that you can incorporate into your everyday routine.

  • Mindfulness is being fully focused on what you are doing right now, in the present moment, on purpose!

    Easy, right?

    Well actually it is surprising how much of the time we move through life, doing things on automatic pilot, without actually being fully aware of how or why we are doing them. I mean, have you ever walked or driven to work and reached a particular point on the journey and realised you have no recollection of the route or actions you've taken to reach that point?

    We can cultivate this awareness by taking time to purposefully and gently place our awareness on specific elements such as our body, our breath, our senses, and our movements, amongst other things during a formal mindfulness meditation practice. The more we practice, the more this awareness spills over into our everyday life.

    The more aware we become, the more we start to recognise patterns in our thoughts and actions that are repeated often during the day, the week and months of our lives. Some of these patterns may be helpful, and others less so. For example, we become more aware of the feelings and bodily sensations that lead us to reach for the biscuit tin when we feel stressed and to binge eat. Our thought patterns can take us down a rabbit hole of despair when a seemingly tiny event disrupts our plans for the day. This is why mindfulness can be a great help for managing stress, anxiety and cravings.

    It’s just as important to understand what mindfulness is not:

    You might have an image in your head of a monk or Buddha-type figure sitting cross-legged on the floor with their hands pressed together for hours on end. Although mindfulness meditation does have its origins in Buddhist philosophy, you can actually be mindful anywhere and in any position - on the bus, in a queue of people, at your desk, doing the washing up… literally anywhere!

  • Mindfulness helps to bring peace of mind and a sense of control over one’s thoughts and actions, so it can improve your life in many ways. It is commonly used to help manage stress, anxiety, sleep conditions, chronic pain management and support a sense of overall wellbeing. However, you don’t have to have a specific condition or diagnosis to start a mindfulness practice. In fact, starting when you’re feeling well is a great thing to do, as it takes time to build your practice into a habit. It is not an overnight fix but regular and consistent practice can lead to short and long term benefits.

Caroline stood in The Peacock Retreat treatment room with a smile on her face.jpg

How can I learn mindfulness with you?

Mindfulness Classes

Mindfulness can help us to manage stress and find peace of mind in a world of overwhelm. We spend so much of our time lost in thoughts about the past or fears about the future that we live on automatic pilot, reacting to situations without control.

By taking part in a Mindfulness Session, you will:

  • Learn basic techniques that you can easily incorporate into your everyday life.

  • Reduce anxiety, manage stress and cultivate more inner peace.

  • Receive a bespoke guided meditation tailored to your specific needs that you can access and re-use forever.

It’s time to take back your control, slow down and start living in the present moment!

I also offer mindfulness classes to multiple people or small groups. Please contact me for more information, as sessions are bespoke to the needs of the participants.

Treatments which Include Mindfulness

Woman sitting on the floor listening to a meditation in front of her sofa with a cup of tea and a candle on a tray to her left.

Did you know that bringing mindfulness into your everyday life can be a game changer for both your physical and emotional wellbeing?

I dare you to try our 30 Day 5 Minute Mindfulness Challenge!


By taking part in our mindfulness challenge, you will receive access to 30 audio files featuring guided meditations. Squeeze one of these short 5-minute clips into your day at a time that’s convenient for you. To maximise the benefits, consistency is key. I recommend listening to the clips at the same time each day so that it becomes a part of your daily routine.