How To Make 2024 The Year You Finally Find Time For You

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding time for oneself can be a real challenge. But 2024 can truly be the year that you finally prioritise your own wellbeing and remain available to care for the people and causes that matter to you too. Don’t believe me… keep reading to find out how!

I know this for certain because I’ve been able to do this for myself. Now, I am on a mission to help other women to do the same and this includes you.

I am a very busy woman with lots of competing responsibilities. I run my own self-employed business which often means I am answering messages and queries from clients and potential clients outside of normal working hours.

When you are self-employed you don’t earn if you don’t work, so there is a pressure to be working nearly all the time.  I am married and my husband has a very stressful and demanding job, so as I work mainly from home, I find myself taking on most of the domestic duties too. Anyone with young adult children will know that the caring doesn’t stop when they leave home and with two daughters and three stepsons there is always someone who needs my advice, a chat to catch up on family news or a budget recipe idea.

Oh, and then there is Fred the dog who suddenly finds he needs my undivided attention because I’ve been too busy for him during the day plus, he probably needs to be let out for a wee, be given his tea or taken for a walk too!


I couldn’t possibly keep spinning all these plates if I didn’t prioritise my own selfcare, keep myself well and ask for support when I need it. My mantra is...

“You can’t pour from an empty cup”

I fill my cup with various selfcare strategies I’ve learnt over the years and which I now teach others so they can do the same and stop running on empty.


Mindfulness for a Balanced Life:

In a world that often feels chaotic and fast-paced, mindfulness offers a sanctuary for us to reconnect with ourselves and find inner peace. Incorporating mindfulness into daily routines can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day for awareness of the present moment, or deep breathing exercises.

Learning simple mindfulness techniques can help with stress management, improving sleep, calming anxiety, building self-confidence and even losing weight.

By dedicating even, a small portion of each day to mindfulness, you can enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing, fostering a sense of balance and resilience.

If you think that mindfulness is all about sitting cross-legged and chanting whilst making your mind, go blank then think again. Who has time for all that, certainly not me!

This January, I am running a totally free “5 Minute Mindfulness Challenge” to show you just how powerful taking even a few minutes out of your day for mindfulness can help spread calm and control through even the busiest and most stressful of days.

The challenge runs from 2nd to 31st January 2024 but there is plenty of time to still jump in and start now. Simply join the Pop up challenge Facebook group to get started.

What have you got to lose?


Empower Hour: One-to-One Life and Wellbeing Coaching

If you are truly committed to making a change and finding more time for yourself then don’t dismiss out of hand one-to-one life and wellbeing coaching. It might be the key you’ve been searching for.

In 2024, I am offering you an "Empower Hour" – a dedicated session focused on your unique goals and aspirations for the year ahead and creating an achievable action plan to get you there that fits into (not around) your hectic schedule.

You may not have considered life coaching before or maybe you think it is something only open to professional women to support their career goals, but it really is for everyone and anyone. All you need is to have a goal you’d like to achieve or a thought that your life needs to change in some way, and I can help you with the rest. I serve as a supportive guide, helping you to navigate challenges, set meaningful objectives, and develop strategies for personal and professional success – whatever that looks like for you.

During an Empower Hour, you can reflect on your personal dreams, address obstacles, and we create a personalized roadmap together for your journey to success.

Having a clear and achievable plan, someone to keep you accountable and to cheerlead you along the way will hugely increase your chances of reaching your life and wellbeing goals. oh, and have fun along the way too. If you’ve set intentions or resolutions in the past, only to see them fall by the wayside by February then this could be the tool you need to finally make it happen.

It is an investment in you, but which also has dividends for your wider family. You will find you have more time for them because you aren’t spending all your time trying to figure it all out for yourself. You will also be happier, more confident and enthusiastic for life which will have a ripple effect on those around you too.  

In a world where time often feels like a scarce resource, it's essential to prioritise self care. You truly can find time to put your own wellbeing first, if only you know where to look!

This might involve setting boundaries, delegating tasks, or reprioritising commitments to make room for personal growth but we can work on this together, so it doesn’t feel quite so hard to do.

Still don’t believe me?

Then book a totally free and no obligation discovery call and explain to me why you find it so hard to put yourself first? I am here to listen.

Let 2024 be the year you embrace the power of self care and empowerment, making time for yourself in the pursuit of a more fulfilling and balanced life.


The Age-Defying and Stress-Busting Benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil


Five Natural Ways to Keep Well This New Year