Why You Might Be Feeling ‘blah’ and What to Do About It

Middle aged woman looking out the window enjoying a cup of tea

“The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in the details of daily life”

- William Morris (19th century textile designer, poet and social activist) 

80% of the thoughts we have on a daily basis are about things that have happened already in our past or might happen in the future – just take a moment to stop and think about that!

We constantly replay, ruminate on and analyse past actions and events. We try to pre-empt, imagine or predict actions and events in the future. It is a normal part of human nature aimed at keeping us safe by helping us learn from our mistakes and avoid potential perils in the future.

Interesting fact… the area of the brain responsible for rumination is larger in women than men! However, if we let this way of thinking take over our lives, the outcome is that:


We miss out on what is happening in the present moment, right here, right now and so precious moments of our already short lives can pass us by completely


We fall into an unconscious state of generalised anxiety, overwhelm or procrastination where our days feel like a treadmill, or constant battle with no obvious end in sight. We feel unhappy, unfulfilled or just generally ‘blah’ or ‘meh’ without being able to put a finger on exactly why.


Does that ring true for you?


The good news is that there is a way to get off the hamster wheel of life and experience more happiness every day. It is really simple to get started, in fact ‘simple’ is the key! We lead over-complicated, over-thought and over-emotional lives compared with our much happier ancestors. Their lives may have been harder in a material sense, but history tells us that their simple life was a happier one.

Here are five quick tips to simplify your life and feel less ‘blah’.

  1. Wear your favourite perfume every day. Don’t save your favourite things for a special occasion; every day is a special occasion. If it makes you smile, it deserves to be part of your daily life.

  2. Take five minutes every day to be present in the moment. Take in the scene outside of your office window, listen attentively to your children or grandchildren chattering and playing or just check in with how your body is feeling physically whilst you wait in line at the post office. It is good to be alive.

  3. Notice the small moments of joy. Some people like to do this in the form of a gratitude practice - writing down a list of three things they are grateful for every night before bed. Or, try thinking of three things that made you smile today. The more you practice noticing them, the more of them you will find popping up throughout your day. Give it a go if you don’t believe me!

  4. Show yourself a daily kindness. Tell yourself how well you cooked that meal, what a great friend you were to someone who needed it, or just take some time to do something nice for yourself – even if that is just enjoying  an un-interrupted cuppa in peace or painting your nails. Don’t wait for someone else to be kind to you but lead by example.

  5. De-clutter one thing from your life that doesn’t bring you joy. This might be a big thing like working to leave a job or relationship that no longer serves you but it might also just be paying someone else to clean your oven or tidying out your sock drawer so you can easily find a pair on busy mornings.  

Remember, happiness doesn’t come from external factors but from within - it has to start with you. If you need some clarity to help you get started with identifying what makes you happier or eliminating things from your life that are making you feel blah then book an Empower Hour or Free virtual consultation and let’s get you started on the path to a happier and more fulfilled you!

“Have nothing in your house that you do not find to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”

This is another William Morris quote that I love. Neal’s Yard have recently launched a new collaboration with Morris & Co (the company William Morris founded) and you can check out the brand new, incredibly useful and most definitely beautiful, hand care collection here.

Now, if I am going to have to wash and care for my hands anyway, doing it with a beautifully scented and presented product that looks fabulous on the side of the sink too, is definitely going to make me smile every time! 😊


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