How Can Reiki Help You To Lose Weight?

A women performing reiki on another women.

During a reiki treatment the recipient normally lies still on a couch for 50-60 minutes, so it is fair to say that the experience doesn’t burn many calories. However, if you are looking to eat more healthily, ditch sugary foods and improve your overall physical health by losing some extra pounds then incorporating a reiki session into your routine really can support you in these goals.


Here are five ways that reiki can help you to lose weight:

1 — Reduced Stress

When we are feeling stressed, the body releases a set of hormones including cortisol and adrenalin. High levels of these stress hormones in the bloodstream can lead to increased appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. Reiki helps to lower the levels of stress hormones in the blood by promoting a deep sense of relaxation and ‘switches off’ this ‘fight or flight’ stress response. You get an immediate reduction in feelings of stress after your treatment that can last several days or weeks. A regular monthly treatment ensures levels are better managed.

2 — Improved Sleep

When we are tired it is much harder to find the energy to plan and cook healthy meals. Often this leads to us grabbing the most convenient (but not necessarily most healthy) snack we can find. We also crave sugary and carbohydrate dense foods and caffeine to give us the energy boost we need to get through the day. Many reiki clients report improved sleep after a treatment and when supported by other lifestyle and mindfulness techniques I teach in my one-to-one sleep coaching programme, see sustained improvements in the duration and quality of their sleep.

3 — Restored Balance

Reiki clients often report feeling more balanced, physically and emotionally after treatment. We have all fallen foul to ‘emotional eating’ when we feel sad, angry, frustrated or upset. Greater emotional balance means we are much more likely to keep motivated and resist those urges.

4 — De-Toxification.

When the energy in your body is allowed to flow freely and evenly again through reiki, any energy that was previously ‘stuck’ is released. Often toxins are stored in this ‘stuck’ energy and the effect of releasing them is deeply cleansing. Toxins can have a negative effect on the body’s natural processes such as metabolism and gut health – both of which are linked to weight gain.

5 — Increased Motivation

Reiki is often associated with an increased sense of overall wellbeing and happiness. This positivity can make it much easier to stay motivated in the long term as of course, sustained weight loss is never a quick fix. Reiki can help us to remain optimistic and motivated to reach our end goal whilst supporting us to be kind to ourselves if we come up against a small blip along the way.

Reiki is not a substitute for eating better and moving more when it comes to weight loss, but it can be a great tool to have in your armour to give you more of a fighting chance in reaching your goal.

Find out more about Reiki and book your treatment here.


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