What Are The Benefits of Indian Head Massage? 

A women sitting enjoying a Indian head massage

An Indian Head Massage, done in the traditional way, is a relaxing, seated massage of the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, scalp and face. Whilst the experience is undoubtedly deeply relaxing and restorative, the benefits are much more far reaching for body and mind.

 1 — Easing of muscle and joint pain

If you carry a lot of tension in your neck and shoulders, as so many of us do, then this massage will ease away any knots and nodules and restore mobility to stiff joints. Long hours at your work desk, heavy lifting at work or handling of small children, poor posture in front of the TV or hunching your shoulders against the cold can all lead to issues that can be eased during an Indian Head Massage.

 2 — Relief from migraines and headaches

Two of the most common causes of migraine and headache are neck/shoulder tension and stress. Both can be helped with an Indian Head Massage. Think of your neck as a narrow piece of trunking through which many electricity cables, or nerves, run down from the brain to different parts of the body. It gets quite congested in there and even a small amount of inflammation can cause pain anywhere in the body but mostly back up into the head. Clients often report that their migraines always start in the same place, at the base of the skull under the occipital bone and then moves up from there. During the treatment I massage this area to help relieve symptoms before moving on to the rest of the scalp. The scalp is covered by a thin muscle which expands over the top of the skull, and, like any muscle, it can become painful when tense. A head massage gently releases any tension being held in this muscle and restores a healthy blood flow to the area. Many clients have reported a significant reduction in both the frequency and severity of their headaches when they come for a regular Indian Head Massage.

 3 — Promotion of hair growth

As mentioned above, the massage of the head leads to improved blood flow to the scalp. This can then, in turn, stimulate the hair follicles which lie just beneath the surface and promote hair growth.

 4 — Reduced sinus congestion and eyestrain

Clients are often surprised to learn that the massage includes a small amount of work on the face. Acupressure techniques are used to press on the temples, sinuses and around the eye sockets. The effect is incredibly restorative and can help to drain away any congestion and tension from these areas. It can be particularly beneficial during cold and flu season or if you suffer from hayfever.

 5 — Improved focus, concentration and peace

Not all the benefits are physical. Clients often speak of a feeling of deep relaxation coupled with a sense of alertness that means they feel ready to take on the rest of their day. It can help clear brain fog and the sluggishness caused by lack of sleep, hormonal changes or stress.


Taking only around 30 minutes, this really is a treatment that punches above its weight when it comes to the benefits you can get for very little of your time. Add on the therapeutic benefits of the aromatherapy massage oils I use during my treatments, and it is half an hour of wellbeing gold!

If you’d like to find out even more about the benefits of this treatment option and how it can be combined with other treatments I offer, then read more here or book your appointment now.


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