Sleep Better

Group or one-to-one insomnia coaching for tranquil nights and transformed lives.

How do you sleep?

  • Do you fail to get enough hours of sleep to feel refreshed and focused the next day on most nights of the week?

  • Do you regularly struggle to fall asleep within 15 minutes of getting into bed?

  • Do you regularly wake up in the early hours and then lay awake for more than 15 minutes?

  • Does your body clock regularly wake you up far earlier than your alarm clock, meaning you feel tired during the day?

If you answered YES to any of these questions and…

This has gone on for at least three months.


You have consulted your GP or another medical professional to exclude any kind of sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy.

Then I can help you to sleep better!


If you would like to find out more or discuss your sleep issues with me first, please book in for a FREE discovery call.

Sleep Coaching

The Sleep Mastery Programme

£147 £97*

6-week group course

What’s Included?

  • Six 90-minute group coaching sessions via Zoom, covering subjects such as CBT for Insomnia, the Sleep-wake cycle, stress-management techniques, calming an over-thinking mind, what to do if you wake up in the night and much, much, more.

  • One 30-minute one-to-one coaching call with me during the course to address any specific challenges.

  • Free bundle of simple mindfulness exercises to improve sleep.

Course Details

I’ve re-formulated my one-to-one sleep mastery coaching package into a more accessible and affordable group-based course so that I can help even more of you to finally sleep better and get the rest you deserve.

The course takes place online via Zoom over six weeks. There will be a maximum of six participants on each course to ensure you can feel comfortable in a small group of fellow insomniacs and have the time and space to ask and have answered all of your sleep questions.

Starting Date: 10th April 2024

*Early Bird Discount: Sign up before the 1st April to pay a discounted rate of £97. Plus, get some early bird bonuses including, a complementary 60-minute distance virtual reiki session and free access to a further 30 mindfulness exercises!

Bespoke One-to-One Sleep Coaching


Individual coaching

What’s Included?

  • A 30 mins pre-treatment telephone or video consultation to ensure the programme is right for you. A full refund is available if we agree not to continue at this point.

  • A 90 mins sleep assessment and personalised action planning session.

  • A 60 mins introduction to mindfulness for better sleep session.

  • 3 x 60 mins reiki relaxation treatments (in person or remotely).

  • 3 x 30 mins action plan monitoring sessions to assess progress and refine actions as necessary.

Course Details

Sessions can be arranged by mutual agreement as separate appointments or combined where appropriate for up to a total of two and a half hours in one go. All sessions must be scheduled within a three-month period from the first consultation call.  

All sessions may be accessed either in person at my treatment room in Hibaldstow, North Lincolnshire, UK or virtually via Zoom (worldwide); including the reiki.

Results may vary depending on your commitment to following the action plan and the severity and duration of your insomnia at the start of treatment.*

*This coaching and treatment programme is not a substitute for medical attention and you should always consult your GP or another health professional if you suspect you may have a possible sleep disorder or medical condition that causes sleep disturbance.

Why you need my help…

I was where you are.

I was a chronic insomniac for ten years and so I understand how debilitating it is to not feel like you are getting enough sleep. I know that it affects every part of your life. That it means every night of poor sleep is followed by a day of struggle and emotional exhaustion.

For me, it wasn’t the falling asleep that was the issue but more the waking up at 4am unable to then fall back to sleep. I felt more wide awake in the middle of the night than any other point in the day.

Then, so many times, when that mid-afternoon slump arrived, I would feel myself actually nodding off in the middle of a busy open plan office. I’d drag myself to the ladies and splash cold water on my face before returning to my desk to struggle on until the end of the working day.

I’d get home exhausted, wearily cook the evening meal, get the kids to bed and then be asleep within ten minutes of sitting down on the sofa. I’d wake up an hour or so later, drag myself into bed and start the cycle all over again. I’d occasionally get a few nights or even brief weeks of respite, usually during the summer months, but sometimes it was even 2am when I woke not 4am. I was often short-tempered or tearful and my body felt constantly tense.

I tried everything I could find to help me to sleep better but nothing worked.

Why sleep hygiene isn’t
the answer.

If you are anything like me, you will also already have done lots of research into tips to get better sleep. You’ve maybe cut out caffeine and alcohol with no improvement. Maybe you’ve tried going to your GP, who reluctantly gave you a course of sleeping tablets, but they only worked short term or not at all. You don’t want to rely on medication anyway!  

You’ve bought every kind of over the counter herbal and natural remedy, tried relaxation apps and installed blackout blinds, but you still can’t sleep? Yep, me too. I tried them all.

What I know now is that, in fact, in some cases, sleep hygiene may actually make your sleep worse! Sleep anxiety is real and, sometimes, the more we try to put things in place to support better sleep, the worse our sleep actually gets. Also, all of these things we try, whilst they can form part of the answer, they don’t address the root cause stopping us from sleeping in the first place. For the majority of us who don’t have an actual sleep disorder, that root cause is a combination of poor sleep habits, that go against our natural sleep cycle,  and an hyper-aroused body and mind fuelled by high levels of stress hormones in the blood.  

This is why a ‘one size fits all’ sleep programme might not work for you. Our habits, beliefs and stress triggers are different for us all.

Then it all changed…

The game changer for me was learning how to implement simple but highly effective Cognitive Behavioural Therapy strategies around my sleep and combining this with repairing my exhausted and over-stimulated nervous system through Reiki relaxation sessions and daily mindfulness practice. . It turns out that better sleep actually starts with what you do from the very moment you wake up!

We are born with the ability to sleep well as this is crucial to our survival. Somewhere along the way, the way we live our busy, modern lives, means  we lose that ability but with the right understanding and training we can re-discover the not so ‘secret’ to regular good sleep.

It's not some weird, spiritual healing practice but a combination of knowing the right things to do and not do plus finding a safe and gentle way to lower the levels of stress hormones in your blood through deep relaxation. It allows your brain to quit with the ‘fight or flight’ stress response and instead tune in to the ‘rest and digest’ response that comes from restoring the balance of your peri-sympathetic nervous system and therefore promote the production of sleep hormones instead.   

Imagine how it would feel if

  • You could fall asleep quickly on getting into bed most nights.

  • You stayed asleep all night or fell back asleep easily if you did briefly wake.

  • You woke up in the morning feeling fully refreshed and ready to face your day most days.

  • You didn’t feel like you were wading through treacle or a thick fog all day.

  • You looked forward to climbing into bed rather than dreading it.

  • You could throw away all the sleep aids that leave you feeling groggy during the day and cost a small fortune.

  • If illness or a life event threatened to disrupt your sleep again in the future, you knew you already had all the tools to get things back on track within days.

Is it time for you to sleep better?


Not sure which is best for you? Book a FREE discovery call to learn more.

Who am I?

Hello, I am Caroline. As a recovering insomniac myself, I am passionate about helping as many people as possible to sleep better.

This is why I became a qualified sleep coach using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI), reiki practitioner and mindfulness teacher.

This is the tool kit of techniques I use myself to manage my sleep issues so I know that as a combination they can work!

Serene Sleep Holistic Treatment

This treatment includes a guided mindfulness practice to help switch off an over-active mind, a soothing facial massage to calm the senses, some deeply relaxing reiki to reset your exhausted nervous system as well as a shoulder and scalp massage to eliminate any last bits of tension from the day. You will also experience the restful benefits of calming essential oils such as ylang-ylang, clary sage and patchouli and receive a mini Goodnight Pillow Mist sample and Night Time Remedies to Roll to take home and use before bed.

Prepare your body and mind for restful sleep with this totally silent deep relaxation experience.